Origin of money and structure of society

Initially there was no money and the committed transactions (debit/credit) were written down on tally sticks (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tally_stick ). The other ancient means of exchange of value (goods and services) was the gift (Gift economy).

It is possible, that currency (the usage of various goods as money; e.g. corals, shells, copper coins etc.) arose without barter economy, as finding one ready to exchange his goods exactly for yours is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Probably the members of unknown to each other groups and enemies bartered.

For us are more interesting the money of the middle ages in Europe - copper, silver and gold coins. Trough the establishment of a monopoly on mintage the rulers of the middle ages provided themselves with enviable comfort, constructing a pyramidal structure on which top are they for the distribution of money. The feudal system was a system in which the serfs (craftsmen and farmers) were working for their ruler without the need to receive payment, which in turn further affirmed the pyramidal structure in question. https://bg.thpanorama.com/articles/historia/feudalismo-origen-y-caractersticas.html)

Some would say, that today's "market" economy have not a different structure than the feudal pyramid above. Money is transformed to a measure of success and most likely are a measure of success, which in turn retains the pyramidal structure of the economy. The only question of importance is the question if anybody can get to the top of the pyramid. Yes, we do have examples such as Bill Gates and others from the IT sector, which are being presented to us, but these are rather exceptions. I adhere to the opinion, that the the pyramid in question is in force unchanged till nowadays (with exception the time of socialism, when the ones favored by money were less, and were favored by a lot smaller quantities of money, which in turn led to distortion of the pyramid, expansion of its lower levels and merger of its levels.

The similarities are a few - the central banks and the big banks perform the role of the feudal, whereas they share it with the big capitalists - there isn't anything you can't buy with money


Today's money are a bad inheritance from the time of feudalism, in which time the the creation of stable pyramidal structures was necessary for the security of life in the state of continuous wars in Europe. Today the banks and capitalist do not contribute to the security of life. Furthermore in today's relatively peaceful Europe there is no need of large quantities of people, which should be immediately ready to go to war, which in turn justifies the opinion, that a larger part of the population should be free to do what they want.

Money limits this freedom, since only a few are born with provided income. The modern, robotized and more and more automatized economy is sufficiently developed to provide for people working 2 to 4 hours per day.

Тези проблеми могат да бъдат решени и от други предложения (например от въвеждането на безусловен доход – да речем заплата от 1000 лв. независимо от това дали работиш или не. В крайна сметка бюджетът на Р.България за 2021 е 52 млрд. и 483 млн. лв. – виж https://www.minfin.bg/upload/46395/BUDGET_2021_final-22-12-2020+pages.pdf разделено на 5 млн. и 777 хил. пълнолетни български граждани това прави сума от 757лв на месец – един привърженик на частната инициатива би казал, че 2000 граждани от две села, все ще успеят да изградят един път помежду си с една месечна заплата от 757лв. ), но считам че времевата валута е крайното решение за излизане от феодализма и осигуряване на независим доход на гражданите с умерено работно време.

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